Posts tagged food cravings
5 Surprisingly Simple Strategies to Manage Your Food Cravings

If I was to list down the top 3 questions that I get asked from my clients then the one that would make it to the very top would be 'How can I get a hold on my food cravings and that I am extremely frustrated at my eating habits".

To define food cravings, they are an intense desire for a specific food at a particular time and have a very short shelf life. For the most part when the moment passes away, in all probability the craving also goes away. It is very different from the actual physiological hunger, when your body really needs the food. 

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Are You Conditioned?

Before you answer the question in the heading, you will first have to identify what I mean by Conditioned as it relates to Fitness and Health. Too often when I engage people about the subject of getting healthy or in shape, I find that they have not clearly defined what being healthy looks like for their lifestyle. Aside from clinical biomarkers such as blood pressure, A1c blood sugar test, cholesterol levels etc. (which are important to determine the impact of your fitness program), the question is how would the reality of being physically conditioned add to your current lifestyle? In other words, what would you be able to do when in peak condition that you couldn’t do at your current fitness level?

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