Posts in Health Accountability
Exercise: How much do I need each week?

I'm asked this question all the time and it really amazes me how few people are aware of even the minimum requirements for healthy adults. In the short video below, I talk about the World Health Organization's recommended levels of physical activity for adults.

Are you hitting the minimum recommended levels? Check out the video to find out!

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5 Techniques to Prevent The Flu

Your body has an innate desire to be well and to function optimally.  If you don’t believe me, think about when you accidently scratch yourself or get a cut – your body naturally and automatically starts the healing process.

Your body works 24/7 to always optimize your health. By incorporating simple, easy routines into our daily life you can boost your immune system, which in turn will prevent you from getting common illnesses like a cold or the flu this season. 

In this post you will learn 5 easy techniques and strategies you can start applying today to boost your immune system and keep your body healthy, happy and strong.

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My Health Goals for 2018 (and how to stick to them)

It’s around this time every January that many New Year resolutions have begun to falter or have been totally ditched already.  The second Friday in January is now known as “Quitters Friday” and Monday just passed has been dubbed “Blue Monday” as it’s apparently the most depressing day of the year. What a load of horsesh1t. They are just days of the week like any other day. I choose not to read into the nonsense that the tabloid media feel the need to perpetuate at this time of year.

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New Year’s Resolutions- A Set Up for Failure

Tis the Season—for New Year’s Resolutions.  These are our new or renewed goals and commitments to eating less, exercising more, spending less time in front of our devices and more time with our families, cleaning out our closets and setting up a system so they stay uncluttered.  So many goals—so much frustration.

As a health coach, I have seen this time and time again.  Smokers set their quit date on Jan. 1.  People join a gym and proclaim they will get there at least 3 times a week—starting Jan. 1.   

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5 Step Morning Routine to Increase Daily Productivity

We often hear about the routines of highly successful individuals. They know how important it is to get a good start to the day and the impact it will have on the rest of their day.

Tony Robbins follows a well known morning routine that consists of an ice cold water plunge, a form of meditation that he calls "priming" to put him in a peak state and some brief, intense exercise.

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A Quick Guide to Staying Healthy at Work

There isn’t one solution to staying healthy, but, rather a combination of things -- including keeping active and eating wholesome, good-for-you foods. While eating healthy and moving more might sound too difficult to do against a demanding work schedule, there are a few quick tips you can keep in mind to help you conquer both – regardless of work schedule. 

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Why Every Employee Should Have a Wellness Vision

Vision-building has been a corporate practice for decades. For business experts, having a clear, effective corporate vision is the starting place for success. Not having a vision leads to lack of focus, clarity and performance. So if visions do great things for corporations, how can they work for people?

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5 Surprisingly Simple Strategies to Manage Your Food Cravings

If I was to list down the top 3 questions that I get asked from my clients then the one that would make it to the very top would be 'How can I get a hold on my food cravings and that I am extremely frustrated at my eating habits".

To define food cravings, they are an intense desire for a specific food at a particular time and have a very short shelf life. For the most part when the moment passes away, in all probability the craving also goes away. It is very different from the actual physiological hunger, when your body really needs the food. 

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How is Chronic Disease Impacting our Workforce?

The term chronic disease applies to a group of diseases that tend to be long-lasting and have persistent effects. Chronic diseases have a range of potential impacts on a person's individual circumstances, including quality of life, social, professional and financial.

Chronic Diseases such as type 2 Diabetes, heart disease, stroke and some cancers are becoming more prevalent in Australia’s culture. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare stated that “more than 11 million (50%) of Australians reported having at least 1 of 8 chronic diseases in 2014-2015.” This number is growing.

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My Best Kept Secret for Better Digestion

Today I want to share with you my best kept secret for better digestion!

But first, why am I talking about having better digestion in the first place?  Great question!

We all know that suffering from digestive problems such as gas, bloating, reflux, stomach cramps, diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease can seriously hinder our daily functioning and make us miserable. 

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