The Only Resolution You Need in 2019

As we enter a new year I see all the usual talk of new year goals and healthy resolutions. Having something to aim for is a good thing and I encourage everyone to take a little time to think about what they want to achieve in 2019.

Healthy new year resolutions

What I don’t like seeing is the inevitable updates three weeks in to the year where many resolutions are now on life support or have fallen by the wayside altogether. Perhaps it’s the case that the resolutions being set are too big a leap and are not realistic for the individual to maintain.

In my opinion, the most important goal you need to set is “Consistency”.

From a health perspective, consistency is key for your exercise habits, for your nutrition and with your sleep routine.

For 2018, I set myself four health goals. They were all realistic as they were small improvements on what I had been doing up to that point so I knew they were achievable. It was consistency in my dedication to these goals that allowed me to reach and exceed my target for each. You can see how I got on with the easiest one to track (steps) below – my target was an average of 11,000 steps per day!

Being consistent has also paid dividends for me in my professional and personal life.

If there’s one piece of advice I can give you for your 2019 resolutions it’s to set realistic goals and be consistent with them. Small improvements over time can lead to incredible results.


Have a brilliant New Year!

Yours in health,


About the author:

Brian Crooke is a wellness consultant, speaker and trainer specialising in the auditing, development and delivery of workplace wellness programmes for Irish companies through his Office Worker Health business. He is also the founder of the Workplace Wellness Ireland community. In his spare time he is bringing free resistance training to every county and community in Ireland through his parkHIIT project.