Workplace Wellbeing Day is this Friday

The big day is almost here. Ireland's Workplace Wellbeing Day takes place this Friday, April 13th 2018. The great news is that you can still register totally free of charge. Check out my article here to find out all the details including how to register.

I've been receiving so much feedback and questions on Wellbeing Day this year. It's wonderful to see such an interest in this from Irish businesses. I don't think there can be any doubt that employers are switching on to the fact that supporting the health and wellness of their employees is beneficial for everyone involved.

Check out my short video below where I address the two main concerns from employers that I've encountered this year, namely:

- What's the catch??? and

- We don't have time to plan activities so we are not going to sign up this year

I trust the above addresses any outstanding concerns you may have had. All that remains is for you to sign up for the day, plan some activities and finally (and most importantly) have some fun with it! 

Yours in health,


P.S I love talking about health and wellbeing so drop me a line to discuss any of the above. I'd be happy to support your business with their wellness objectives.

Contact me directly with any questions you may have:

The Low Down

Brian Crooke is a wellness consultant and speaker empowering employers and employees to make their workplaces healthier places to be. He is the founder of Office Worker Health.

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