Posts tagged weight loss challenge
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT is a form of workout in which you give all out, 100% effort through fast, intensive bursts of exercise, followed by shorter, sometimes active, recovery periods. Training in this way will get and maintain your heart rate up while burning more fat in less time than a typical workout.

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My 30 Day Healthy Living Challenge - November 2016

Drum roll please! I'm launching an online health and wellness program. It's called the 30 Day Healthy Living Challenge. I've been writing, blogging and vlogging here at Office Worker Health for two years providing quality free content every single week. This will be my first paid offering so I'm incredibly excited to tell you all about it. It starts very soon on November 1st so check out all the information below and get yourself signed up, if you are committed to the plan then I can guarantee you will see results in 30 days!

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Benefits of Online Health and Wellness Programs

One of the great advantages of the digital age is the access you can get to people and resources all around the globe. The World Wide Web has changed our lives forever and opened up so many new possibilities in how we work and communicate. It really is an incredibly exciting time as all of these options are opening up to us.  You can now enlist the services of people or programs in different countries around the world to do a job or provide a service for you. Online health and wellness programs are a perfect example of this; I can sign up for a clean eating meal plan offered by a nutritionist in Melbourne; I can get workout routines, a fitness program and an exercise schedule from a personal trainer in New York. I can sign up to a 30 day detox challenge organised by a health coach in London. The possibilities are endless.

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