Posts tagged healthy snacks
Healthy Snacking in the Workplace

When I hear the word “snacking” mentioned it often comes with a negative or unhealthy connotation. This should not be the case. Snacking is great way to support a balanced diet and should be encouraged. During a busy day at work, good quality snacks can help get you through the long mornings until lunch and over the final furlong in the afternoon before dinner time. Of course from a nutrition and health perspective, it’s really important to pay attention to the snacks you’re consuming.

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Sustainable Weight Control – Nutrition and Observation

Two weeks ago I spoke about my approach to Sustainable Weight Control by using a project from my Sports Nutrition course as a case study. In that blog I introduced my client (John Doe, sedentary office worker), highlighted the metrics I used to reach daily nutritional/calorie requirements for John and documented an exercise routine I designed for him. In this article I want to complete the sustainable weight control plan by highlighting the nutrition targets I set for John and discussing continued observation and monitoring of the overall plan.

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Snack Attack

When I hear people talking about snacking it always seems to be with an unhealthy connotation. This shouldn’t be the case. If you are eating the right foods then snacking can be very healthy and should be encouraged. For the busy office worker, snacks can help you get through the long mornings until lunch or get you over the final furlong in the afternoon before dinner time.

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